Immutable Records as object factories
Objects in JavaScript are quite flexible. This means, they can be altered in many ways, sometimes accidentally. What to do, when you need to guarantee the consistency?
Problem with bare objects
Regular objects are pretty simple, they look like this:
const myCategory = {
title: "Hello",
slug: "hello",
// { title: "Hello", slug: "hello" }
Unfortunately, nothing really stops us from deleting something from it:
delete myCategory.slug;
// { title: "Hello" }
What if our other code relies on this property? What if the template looks like this:
<a href={`/categories/${myCategory.slug}`}>{myCategory.title}</a>
It will be broken, best case – tests will fail. Worse – rendering will break and user won't be able to use the app.
Mitigating missing properties in objects
There are some ways to fix such issues. For starters, we may refrain ourselves from deleting properties. But seriously, we can have a default value in our template:
<a href={`/categories/${myCategory.slug || "#"}`}>{myCategory.title}</a>
This helps only a bit. The link will be there, HTML will be valid, but the app
is still useless. We could have a default category instead of #
, but this is
even worse – link "Recipes" would lead to "/categories/default".
Another way is to generate a slug when needed:
<a href={`/categories/${myCategory.slug || slugify(myCategory.title)}`}>
This works well, but it is on-demand. We have to remember to add this condition everywhere. On the post listing template, on the post template, on category listing, footer etc. It is very cumbersome.
Immutable Record
to the rescue
Immutable JS is one of my favorite libraries out there. A bit scary at the beginning, after getting use to it, it makes development of data structures a breeze.
One of the best features of Immutable JS is Record
. Record is simply a Map
with guaranteed keys.
Guaranteed how? Well, they won't magically appear – we have to provide them, but only once. They are the default values of our Record. So, let's use Record to mitigate the missing slug problem!
Okay, let's start with an interface for our input:
interface ISimpleCategory {
title: string;
slug?: string;
We've declared slug
as optional. But we want our Record to have it always, so
let's extend it:
interface ISimpleCategoryRecord extends ISimpleCategory {
slug: string;
Okay, so interfaces are defined, great. Now the implementation:
import { Record } from "immutable";
const slugify = (input: string): string =>
input.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase();
const CategoryFactory = (
input: ISimpleCategory
): Record<ISimpleCategoryRecord> => {
return Record<ISimpleCategoryRecord>({
title: input.title,
slug: input.slug || slugify(input.title),
const catA = CategoryFactory({ title: "Testing here" });
console.log(catA.get("slug")); // "testing-here"
Let's go through it, step by step.
First, we've imported Record
from immutable
, as this is the only vendor
we'll use.
Next, we have created some util function to replace every space with a small
dash (-
) and to make the string lowercase. This is a super-basic slug
Now, we have created a CategoryFactory
function that receives a single
parameter – input
with the interface ISimpleCategory
. Inside this function,
we simply returned a Record
with interface ISimpleCategoryRecord
, that has
as mandatory. Now, whenever using an entity created with this factory, we
will receive typehints – here, about what fields are available for us.
I know this isn't a very clean function, since it relies on an external vendor, but this is for demonstration purposes only.
The most interesting here is the body of our Record
. Please note the slug
field. It either takes our input's slug
, or creates its own with slugify
This way we always know, that we'll get both title
and slug
, as long as we
will provide the former.
Bonus part: Factory without an external dependency
Like I've said earlier, usage of slugify
is purely for demonstration. But I
wouldn't be myself, if I left it that way. So let's create a variant that can
have slugify
passed as a parameter. It can be called a simple dependency
injection, great for testing, for example. Looks like this:
function CategoryFactoryWithDepsInjectConstructor(
slugify: (inp: string) => string
) {
return function createRecord(input: ISimpleCategory) {
return Record<ISimpleCategoryRecord>({
title: input.title,
slug: input.slug || slugify(input.title),
Let's go through it real fast. First thing – function
notation instead of
have more clarity. It looks cleaner and more concise. Next thing is,
first parameter is not our input
with ISimpleCategory
interface, but a
function. Why? Because we're using currying here, so we will have a
function returning a function. Only then we created createRecord
, that is our
actual factory. The rest is as it was.
Okay, so how do we run it? Actually very simple, but we don't want to inject
every time we use this. This is counter-productive, and I am a lazy
person. So, let's create an instance of this function with this vendor bound:
const CategoryFactoryWithDepsInject =
How is this different from the one we've used previously? Well,
is not, but
differs greatly. And we can use both!
So, for example, we'll get the former in our normal production codebase, but the
latter in testing, and inject something else instead of our "utility" function.
Or, we could create a more complex variant with different variant of slugify
But, frankly, this is beyond the point.
Working with data in JavaScript is not always easy. Missing properties are a
pain and seeing undefined
when querying for a value can be troublesome, to say
the least. Fortunately, Records are great and can very easily help us mitigate
most of the issues.