Test-driven development in JavaScript
Testing the code we are writing is crucial in the job. Even though there are teams that doesn't do tests at all, this is one of the most important parts of successful delivery.
Testing the code we are writing is crucial in the job. Even though there are teams that doesn't do tests at all, this is one of the most important parts of successful delivery.
Recently I was building a Storybook for my new project. While I enjoy the encapsulation it provides, global styles such as resets are still a common thing. Even though it doesn't change much, I still wanted to have them in my every Story.
Some time ago, while building an API, I though that stacking `if` statements depending on function parameters leads to complex business logic. One of the solutions I found was "methods overloading", used mainly in Java (and C#).
When building an application, we often face problems with external APIs. One has simple methods, other has them very complicated. Unifying them under one common interface is one of uses of the facade pattern.
Second leg is the technical interview
Most of the time, first leg will be with someone from Human Resources
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