What is Redux, really? – Part 1
Redux came to be a go-to solution for state management in React apps. It's also one of the most incomprehensible tools in the shed.
Redux came to be a go-to solution for state management in React apps. It's also one of the most incomprehensible tools in the shed.
Objects in JavaScript are quite flexible. This means, they can be altered in many ways, sometimes accidentally. What to do, when you need to guarantee the consistency?
Creating application nowadays consists mostly of implementation. We are using tools. But are those tools, albeit open-sourced, really free?
A module is a construct somewhat similar to a singleton class. It has only one instance and exposes its members, but it doesn’t have any kind of internal state.
One of React’s greatest strengths is the ability to separate the view from the logic. I like to take it a step further and create two separated _components_, one harboring view, and one – logic.
Keeping data in application state is a very common thing. But maintaining its size and complexity may be a challenge. Unless we make it flat.
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